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Duty must be paid and a statement lodged by the owner or owner’s agent on the sale of:

  • cattle, calves, sheep, goats and swine, and
  • carcasses of cattle, sheep, goats and swine.

You must complete your statement and make payment by the 21st day of the month following the sale. Approved agents must use a different process to lodge a return and make a duty payment.

  1. Gather required information

    The following information is needed to complete the Statement for Livestock Duty Payment (Duties Form 55), but refer to the form for specific instructions:

    • applicant's personal and business details, including date of birth, address, trading name and ABN/ACN, and the details of any other owners, and
    • particulars of the transaction, including type of livestock and date of sale.


  2. Complete your statement and cheque

    The statement can be completed and lodged online.

    Complete the statement

  3. Payment

    Livestock duty payments must be made by electronic fund transfer (EFT) to the account listed on the 'Particulars of transaction' page of the Statement for Livestock Duty Payment (Duties Form 55).

Next Steps

If your statement is incomplete or has errors, for example in relation to sales information or duty calculations, we will contact you or your approved agent.

Last modified: 23 November 2023

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