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Power to issue Certificate

1. Pursuant to section 95AA of the Taxation Administration Act 1997, the Commissioner of State Revenue must issue a Property Clearance Certificate (Certificate) to an owner, mortgagee or bona fide purchaser of land who makes an application specifying the land for which the Certificate is sought and pays the application fee.

Amount shown on Certificate

2. The Certificate shows any commercial and industrial property tax (including interest and penalty tax) that is due and unpaid on the land described in the Certificate at the date of issue.

Australian Valuation Property Classification Code (AVPCC)

3. The Certificate may show one or more AVPCC in respect of land described in the Certificate. The AVPCC shown on the Certificate is the AVPCC allocated to the land in the most recent of the following valuation(s) of the land under the Valuation of Land Act 1960:

  • a general valuation of the land;
  • a supplementary valuation of the land returned after the general valuation.

4. The AVPCC(s) shown in respect of land described on the Certificate can be relevant to determine if the land has a qualifying use, within the meaning given by section 4 of the Commercial and Industrial Property Tax Reform Act 2024 (CIPT Act). Section 4 of the CIPT Act Land provides that land will have a qualifying use if:

  • the land has been allocated one, or more than one, AVPCC in the latest valuation, all of which are in the range 200-499 and/or 600-699 in the Valuation Best Practice Specifications Guidelines (the requisite range);
  • the land has been allocated more than one AVPCC in the latest valuation, one or more of which are inside the requisite range and one or more of which are outside the requisite range, and the land is used solely or primarily for a use described in an AVPCC in the requisite range; or
  • the land is used solely or primarily as eligible student accommodation, within the meaning of section 3 of the CIPT Act.

Commercial and industrial property tax information

5. If the Commissioner has identified that land described in the Certificate is tax reform scheme land within the meaning given by section 3 of the CIPT Act, the Certificate may show in respect of the land:

  • the date on which the land became tax reform scheme land;
  • whether the entry interest (within the meaning given by section 3 of the Duties Act 2000) in relation to the tax reform scheme land was a 100% interest (a whole interest) or an interest of less than 100% (a partial interest); and
  • •the date on which the land will become subject to the commercial and industrial property tax.

6. A Certificate that does not show any of the above information in respect of land described in the Certificate does not mean that the land is not tax reform scheme land. It means that the Commissioner has not identified that the land is tax reform scheme land at the date of issue of the Certificate. The Commissioner may identify that the land is tax reform scheme land after the date of issue of the Certificate.

Change of use of tax reform scheme land

7. Pursuant to section 34 of the CIPT Act, an owner of tax reform scheme land must notify the Commissioner of certain changes of use of tax reform scheme land (or part of the land) including if the actual use of the land changes to a use not described in any AVPCC in the range 200-499 and/or 600-699. The notification must be given to the Commissioner within 30 days of the change of use.

Commercial and industrial property tax is a first charge on land

8. Commercial and industrial property tax (including any interest and penalty tax) is a first charge on the land to which the commercial and industrial property tax is payable. This means it has  priority over any other encumbrances on the land, such as a mortgage, and will continue as a charge even if ownership of the land is transferred. Therefore, a purchaser may become liable for any unpaid commercial and industrial property tax.

Information for the purchaser

9. Pursuant to section 27 of the CIPT Act, if a bona fide purchaser for value of the land described in the Certificate applies for and obtains a Certificate in respect of the land, the maximum amount recoverable from the purchaser is the amount set out in the Certificate. A purchaser cannot rely on a Certificate obtained by the vendor.

Information for the vendor

10. Despite the issue of a Certificate, the Commissioner may recover a commercial and industrial property tax liability from a vendor, including any amount identified on this Certificate.

Passing on commercial and industrial property tax to a purchaser

11. A vendor is prohibited from apportioning or passing on commercial and industrial property tax to a purchaser under a contract of sale of land entered into on or after 1 July 2024 where the purchase price is less than $10 million (to be indexed annually from 1 January 2025, as set out on the website for Consumer Affairs Victoria).

General information

12. Land enters the tax reform scheme if there is an entry transaction, entry consolidation or entry subdivision in respect of the land (within the meaning given to those terms in the CIPT Act). Land generally enters the reform on the date on which an entry transaction occurs in respect of the land (or the first date on which land from which the subject land was derived (by consolidation or subdivision) entered the reform).

13. The Duties Act includes exemptions from duty, in certain circumstances, for an eligible transaction (such as a transfer) of tax reform scheme land that has a qualifying use on the date of the transaction. The exemptions apply differently based on whether the entry interest in relation to the land was a whole interest or a partial interest. For more information, please refer to

14. A Certificate showing no liability for the land does not mean that the land is exempt from commercial and industrial property tax. It means that there is nothing to pay at the date of the Certificate.

15. An updated Certificate may be requested free of charge via our website, if:

  • the request is within 90 days of the original Certificate's issue date, and
  • there is no change to the parties involved in the transaction for which the Certificate was originally
Last modified: 14 August 2024


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