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What is land tax?

Land tax is an annual tax based on the total taxable value of all the land you own in Victoria, excluding exempt land such as your home (principal place of residence).

Land tax is calculated using the site values (determined by the Valuer-General Victoria) of all taxable land you owned as at midnight on 31 December of the year preceding the year of assessment. 

You may have to pay land tax if you own, either individually or jointly with others:

  • investment properties, including residential rental properties
  • commercial properties such as retail shops, office premises and factories
  • holiday homes
  • vacant land.

Land tax assessments are generally issued between January and June each year.  

Need more information? View our land tax frequently asked questions

COVID Debt Repayment Plan

From 2024 as part of the Victorian Government's COVID Debt Repayment Plan, when the total taxable value of the non-exempt land you own is equal to or above the $50,000 threshold ($25,000 for trusts), you are liable to pay land tax.

Learn more about the COVID Debt Repayment Plan

Paying land tax for the first time?

If you have received a land tax assessment for the first time, our website has a range of information available to assist you.

Paying land tax for the first time

Land tax exemptions

Some land is exempt from land tax, such as:

If you start leasing your home (your principal place of residence) or change your address, the exemption ends and you must notify us immediately

Learn more about exemptions

Owning land with others

If you own land with others, in whatever ownership structure, you are classified as a joint owner for land tax purposes.

If you own land with multiple people, companies or trusts, each unique combination of owners is considered a different joint ownership. Joint owners are assessed for land tax in a different way.

Learn more about joint ownership

I've received an assessment - what do I do now?

If you have received an assessment, you should check the property details we have on record are accurate via our online portal My Land Tax.

If you are not already registered, registration is simple and takes less than 5 minutes. You will find all the details you need on your assessment notice.

Once logged in, click ‘Manage Properties’ and make sure:

  1. All land you own, either individually or jointly, is listed – if it is not, you must lodge an amendment request.
  2. Land you have sold and no longer own prior to 31 December is not included.
  3. Land eligible for an exemption has been marked as exempt, including your home (principal place of residence).

My Land Tax also allows you to update your personal details, view and pay your assessment or set up a payment plan via AutoPay, and select to go paperless for future assessments.

If you need to remove an exemption from a land that you are no longer entitled to, call us on 13 21 61. Please have your assessment on hand along with any other information relevant to your request. 
You must lodge any amendment requests within 60 days receiving your assessment or penalty tax may apply. 

Register or log in to My Land Tax

Paying your assessment 

There are 3 ways to pay your land tax assessment – via credit or debit card, BPAY, or in instalments via AutoPay.

If you choose AutoPay, you can pay your land tax assessment in fortnightly, monthly or in 4 equal payments up to 38 weeks from the issue date on your assessment. AutoPay instalments must be set up annually as instalment amounts can change depending on your tax liability.

You can create an AutoPay arrangement via My Land Tax. It is important to pay or set up a payment arrangement on time to avoid late payment interest and recovery action. 

Find out more about payment options

If you don't agree with your assessment

If you have a concern about your assessment, there are different ways to object depending on what aspect you disagree with.


If you disagree with the valuation of your property, you can lodge an objection online within 2 calendar months of receiving your assessment.

The Commissioner of State Revenue has no discretion to accept late objections.

Other objections 

You do not need to lodge an objection to correct inaccurate information or make simple updates. You can update your contact details, remove land that you do not own or update your home (principal place of residence) online via My Land Tax

However, if you think you have been incorrectly assessed and the change you are seeking cannot be actioned through My Land Tax, you can formally dispute the assessment by lodging an objection.

Your objection must be received within 60 days of you receiving your assessment. If you lodge your objection after the 60-day timeframe, you must provide reasons for the delay. If you do not provide reasons for the delay, your objection will be refused.

An objection is a formal avenue of dispute resolution requiring you to explain the grounds of your objection and describe clearly the reasons why you disagree with your assessment. An objection is generally not valid if the grounds stated are vague, claim that the tax payable is too high or you state that an assessment should not be issued on compassionate grounds.

Even if you have lodged an objection, you must still pay your land tax in full by the due date or you may be charged interest. If your objection is successful, any amount overpaid will be refunded with interest.

We will advise you in writing of the outcome of your objection.

Related information

Last modified: 11 March 2025


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