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The commercial passenger vehicle service levy (CPVSL), also known as the trip levy, is a $1.20 levy that applies to every taxi and hire car trip, including ride share, originating in Victoria.

Helping you get it right

To help you get it right, we provide a range of information and tools, including:

Compliance activities

Our compliance activities include:

  • monitoring returns to ensure the levy is recorded accurately
  • ensuring returns are lodged quarterly
  • gathering information via the public, data-matching and other sources to ensure that commercial passenger vehicle services (taxi and hire car services, including ride share) comply with their obligations
  • investigating suspect reporting of the levy
  • verifying voluntary disclosures.

Common errors to avoid

  • drivers or owners collecting the levy and not being registered when required
  • registering under the wrong registration type
  • failing to lodge accurate driver details including name, driver accreditation number (DC number) and ABN
  • failing to lodge accurate trip data
  • failing to lodge for one or more registration types (separate returns are required for each registration type)
  • failing to lodge or pay quarterly returns by the due date
  • failing to cancel registration when appropriate.

Submit a voluntary disclosure or tip-off

News and updates

Last modified: 14 January 2025


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