Apply for a first home buyer duty exemption, concession or reduction
You must use our Digital Duties Form:
- for all contracts or agreements for land transfer duty, and
- to apply for the first home buyer duty exemption, concession or reduction.
General information
When you buy your first home and the contract date is on or after 1 July 2017, you may be eligible for a duty exemption or concession. If your contract is dated before 1 July 2017, you may be eligible for a 50% duty reduction.
Both the duty exemption and the 50% duty reduction are available to first home buyers when they purchase a new or established property in Victoria with a dutiable value up to $600,000. The duty concession applies where the dutiable value is more than $600,000 but not more than $750,000. Vacant land can also attract the exemption or concession if you are buying it to build your home.
If you satisfy the eligibility requirements for the First Home Owner Grant (FHOG), you are entitled to these first home buyer duty benefits. This is the case even if your circumstances prevent you from actually receiving the FHOG — for example, if your first home purchase is an established/existing home (ineligible for the FHOG) rather than a newly built home (eligible for the FHOG). However, you will not be entitled to the first home buyer duty benefits if you or your partner has previously received the benefit of the exemption or concession.
Your conveyancer or solicitor will usually apply for the exemption, concession or reduction, if you are eligible, when they complete the Digital Duties Form as part of the electronic conveyancing process.
We also have a calculator that works out the land transfer duty that applies when you buy a Victorian property.
Gather required information
You need the following information and supporting documents to apply for the duty exemption, concession or reduction:
- Copy of the contract of sale as this includes the property details and full name of the transferor (seller) and transferee (buyer).
- Title details, including copies of transfer of land documentation.
- Company or unit trust details including ABN or ACN for land use entitlements.
Complete your form
The Digital Duties Form is completed on screen electronically using Duties Online.
If you are a registered to use Duties Online user, you can create a new Digital Duties Form under the ‘Create’ tab in the system.
If you are an individual you must register and lodge via our public lodgement system. Registration is simple and you can electronically lodge scanned documents for a land transfer or declaration of trust via our website after you register.
If you overpaid duty on your purchase because you did not claim an exemption, concession or reduction that you were eligible for, you can apply for a refund up to 5 years after the duty was paid.
You must complete the Duties Refund SmartForm and lodge it online via Duties Online or our public lodgement system.
Next Steps
We will contact you if we need more information.
If you receive this duty reduction and your circumstances change so that you no longer meet the residency requirements, you must notify us in writing within 30 days of the change(s) so we can reassess duty.
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