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Why have I received an assessment?

Duty is payable on the purchase price or the market value of the vehicle, whichever is the greater. This is the dutiable value of your vehicle.

You received an assessment because the value you declared on the Application for Transfer of Registration Form lodged with VicRoads was substantially lower than the market value of the average vehicle of the same year, make, and model as yours.

I have already paid duty – why am I required to pay more?

If you under-declared the dutiable value of your vehicle, you would have underpaid motor vehicle duty. Your assessment is for duty on the difference between the market value and the value you declared.

I bought my vehicle cheaply because it was damaged – why do I have to pay more duty?

This is because the dutiable value of a vehicle is determined when you lodge the transfer documents with VicRoads and not when you bought it.

If your vehicle was improved between buying and registering it, such as through repairs or modifications to obtain a roadworthy certificate, you must take these changes into account when declaring its dutiable value.

Why didn’t VicRoads tell me that the declared value of my vehicle was not acceptable and that I was underpaying duty?

The transfer documents that are required to be completed and lodged at VicRoads include information on motor vehicle duty and ‘market or dutiable value’. As you are making the declaration of dutiable value, it is not the responsibility of VicRoads to determine and/or question what is or is not an acceptable dutiable value.

How does the State Revenue Office determine the dutiable value of a vehicle?

In determining the dutiable value of a vehicle, the State Revenue Office will use the average value from a reputable motor industry valuation guide. If you consider your assessment to be based on a higher than expected value,  you may have this reviewed via our objection process.

What if I disagree with the assessed value?

You have the right to object to your assessment. Your objection must be done in writing and lodged with us within 60 days of you receiving the assessment. It must state fully and in detail the reasons why your vehicle is worth less than the average vehicle of the same year, make, model - for example, the physical condition of the vehicle at the time of registration or transfer and the kilometres travelled.

Note: Lodging an objection does not affect your obligation to pay the amount on your assessment by the due date.

How do I pay my assessment?

You can pay your assessment through BPAY, EFT or by credit card. Refer to your assessment notice for more information. Payment cannot be made at VicRoads.

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Last modified: 5 June 2024
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