The Duties Online (DOL) transaction categories listed below must be processed electronically via an ELNO.
The table below, which acts as a checklist, details the transaction categories to be submitted and assessed electronically as standard DOL transactions or complex DOL transactions.
More detailed information is available in our Evidentiary Requirements Manual and our guide to completing an ELNO lodgement.
Category | Sub-category | Assessment path | Characteristics and checklist | Relevant sections of the Duties Act |
Transfer to parties that are not related or associated | Unrelated party transfers | DOL |
Trust exemptions and concessions | Trust exemptions and concessions | Complex (supporting documents required 30 days before settlement) |
Primary production land | Young farmers exemption | Complex (supporting documents required 30 days before settlement) |
Family farm transfer to a company, trust or association | Complex (supporting documents required 30 days before settlement) |
Family farm exemption | DOL |
Primary production land without concessions | DOL |
Primary production – disaggregation, water entitlements, goods and livestock | Complex (supporting documents required 30 days before settlement) |
Aggregation | Aggregation | Complex (supporting documents required 30 days before settlement) |
Sale of business and/or goods | Sale of business and/or goods | Complex (supporting documents required 30 days before settlement) |
Transfer to a related or associated party | Transfer to a related or associated party | DOL |
In addition, the following may apply:
If applying for one of the concessions/exemptions above, the following must be provided:
Sub-sale and/or nomination transfers | Sub-sale/nomination – transferor and transferee/s are related or associated parties |
In addition, the following may apply:
If applying for one of the concessions/exemptions above, the following must be provided:
Options, additional development and/or consideration not included in the contract price | Complex (supporting documents required 30 days before settlement) |
Sub-sale/nomination – transferor and transferees are not related | DOL |
Deceased estate transfers | Deceased estate (outside of the terms of the will) | Complex (supporting documents required 30 days before settlement) |
Deceased estate exemption | DOL |
Partition | Partition | Complex (supporting documents required 30 days before settlement) |
Re-alignment of boundaries | Re-alignment of boundaries | Complex (supporting documents required 30 days before settlement) |
Bankruptcy matters | Bankruptcy matters | Complex (supporting documents required 30 days before settlement) |
Transfer to an approved charity, government body or authority | Transfer to an approved charity | Complex (supporting documents required 30 days before settlement) |
Transfer to a government body or authority | Complex (supporting documents required 30 days before settlement) |
Adjustment to dutiable value | Agreement that reduces the value of the property | Complex (supporting documents required 30 days before settlement) |
Transferee improvements | Complex (supporting documents required 30 days before settlement) |
No double duty | Complex (supporting documents required 30 days before settlement) |
Spouse or domestic partner transfer | Breakdown of relationship – transfer to a party that is not the spouse or domestic partner of the transferor | Complex (supporting documents required 30 days before settlement) |
Breakdown of relationship transfer between spouses/domestic partners | DOL |
Spouse transfer involving parties other than spouse/domestic partner | Complex (supporting documents required 30 days before settlement) |
Transfer between spouses/domestic partners | DOL |
Change in the manner of holding (equal shares) | Change in the manner of holding in equal shares (joint tenants in common or vice versa) | DOL |
Transfer to superfunds | Transfer to super funds | DOL |
Land transfer duty relief (2019-2020 bushfires) | Land transfer duty relief (2019-20 bushfires) | Complex (supporting documents required 30 days before settlement) |
Other | May include the following:
Complex (supporting documents required 30 days before settlement) |
Paper transfers managed after settlement with a digital duties form
Lodged via ‘Retrieve and claim settlement statement’ in DOL:
- Any transfer with more than 20 volume/folios.
- Corporate reconstruction.
- Change in beneficial ownership.
- Conversion of land use entitlements.
- Shariah finance.
- Fractional interest – interest titles/folios.
- Fractional interest – assignment.
- Fractional interest – surrender.
- Fractional interest – life and remainder.
- Deceased estate transfers with more than one consideration.
Paper transfers managed after settlement (mailed to
- Equity release program.
- Vesting orders.
- Adverse possession.
- Transactions whereby parties are unable to complete a Digital Duties Form.
- Leasehold transfers.