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This form is used to apply for a Growth Areas Infrastructure Contribution (GAIC) Certificate.

form iconGAIC-Form-01 SmartForm

Additional information


  • The Growth Areas Infrastructure Contribution (GAIC) is a contribution on certain land in the growth areas of metropolitan Melbourne.
  • GAIC is administered under the Planning and Environment Act 1987 and the Taxation Administration Act 1997.
  • The liability to pay GAIC only arises upon the first occurrence of a GAIC event, for example the issuing of a statement of compliance, the making of an application for a building permit in respect of substantive building works, or a dutiable transaction relating to the land.
  • GAIC is calculated on a per hectare basis.

GAIC rates

The GAIC rates are published by the Minister for Planning before 1 June of the preceding financial year in the Government Gazette and on our website

Last modified: 22 July 2024
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