This Information FOI Part II Statement is published in accordance with Part II of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic). It comprises the following statements:
- Statement 1: Organisation and Functions
- Statement 2: Categories of Documents
- Statement 3: FOI Arrangements
- Statement 4: Publications
- Statement 5: Rules, Policies and Procedures
- Statement 6: Report Literature
These statements provide a snapshot of the types of documents held by the State Revenue Office (SRO), what the SRO does and how members of the public can access those documents. The statements are a guide rather than an exhaustive representation of our information resources.
To find information or resources on a specific topic, search this site or contact the relevant business area. Correspondence can be addressed to the Commissioner of State Revenue. Contact names and details can be found on our organisation chart and at contact us.
Feedback and enquiries can also be submitted via email to the Commissioner of State Revenue.