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The 2020 congestion levy rates for both the category 1 and 2 levy areas are now available.

Our website also has a dedicated section providing detailed information about the levy, including:

SRO updates

Our customer service centre, which responds to calls to our 13 21 61 phone number, is closing over the Christmas-New Year period.

The centre will close at 5pm on Tuesday 24 December 2019 and reopen at 8.30am on Thursday 2 January 2020.


The next round of Duties Online enhancements will be implemented on 25 November 2019, streamlining transactions where duty is assessed online.

SRO updates

The State Revenue Office Annual Review 2018-19 is now available from a dedicated microsite.

Our annual review provides our activities, strategies and performance as we:


If you apply for a land tax clearance certificate for a property that will be settled or auctioned in 2020, the certificate will be issued after Thursday 2 January 2020. This allows us to include any 2020 land tax liabilities.


The next round of Duties Online enhancements will be implemented on 25 November 2019, streamlining transactions where duty is assessed online.


Update: this event has been cancelled, however, you can learn about Victorian taxes and cross-border payroll tax issues in our online webinars.


Certain organisations are exempt from payroll tax, and wages paid under an employment agency contract to workers provided to these organisations may also be exempt.


The Payroll Tax Act 2007 exempts certain wages  from payroll tax. From 1 July 2019, the exemption for wages paid or payable to an employee on maternity or adoption leave was extended to wages for parental leave of both prim

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