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Rates of duty on or after 1 July 2017

If you sign a contract to buy your first home on or after 1 July 2017, you may be entitled to an exemption or concession from duty. 

If you are not entitled to the first home buyer duty exemption, you may be entitled to a 50% duty waiver on any duty you have to pay if you are buying Victorian residential property with a dutiable value of up to $1 million and you sign your contract on or after 25 November 2020 and before 1 July 2021. 

There is also a temporary land transfer (stamp) duty concession and exemption available for purchases of residential property, with a dutiable value of up to $1 million, located within the City of Melbourne local government area. These may apply whether or not you are a first home buyer. 

Are you an eligible first home owner?

You can calculate how much duty you have to pay using our calculator.

Rates of duty before 1 July 2017 

If you signed a contract to buy your first home before 1 July 2017, you may be eligible for a reduction in duty on your purchase. 

Are you an eligible first home owner?

Land transfer duty was reduced by 20% on 1 July 2011, followed by additional 10% cuts on 1 January 2013, 1 July 2013 and 1 September 2014. This means there is a 50% duty reduction available for eligible first home buyers purchasing their PPR for settlement dates on or after 1 September 2014.

 Purchase of a home (your principal place of residence) before 1 July 2017 (with settlement on or after 1 September 2014)

Dutiable value range Duty payable
$0 - $25,000 1.4% of the dutiable value of the property, less 50%.
> $25,000 - $130,000 $350 plus 2.4% of the dutiable value in excess of $25,000, less 50%.
> $130,000 - $440,000 $2870 plus 5% of the dutiable value in excess of $130,000, less 50%. 
> $440,000 - $550,000 $18,370 plus 6% of the dutiable value in excess of $440,000, less 50%.
> $550,000 - $600,000 $28,070 plus 6% of the dutiable value in excess of $550,000, less 50%.
> $600,000 - $960,000 The duty reduction for eligible first home buyers does not apply.
$2870 plus 6% of the dutiable value in excess of $130,000.
More than $960,000 The duty reduction for eligible first home buyers does not apply.
5.5% of the dutiable value.

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Last modified: 16 January 2025


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