Request a private ruling
A private ruling provides advice on the interpretation of legislation we administer specific to your situation.
We provide private rulings on request once you identify a tax technical or legislative issue which makes you uncertain of your liability. A private ruling may be issued to help you pay the correct amount of tax.
You (or your representative) can request a private ruling individually or jointly with others who are party to your arrangement or transaction. When you request a private ruling, you authorise us to access information or contact third parties as required.
Things to consider about private rulings
A private ruling will only be issued if:
- all requirements in Step 1 (below) have been met
- you have identified a tax technical and/or legislative issue requiring clarification
- the issue has not previously been dealt with in one of our rulings.
A private ruling will not be issued:
- to provide you with legal advice – if your situation involves complex and technical legislation, you need to seek independent legal advice before requesting a ruling
- based on a hypothetical scenario or a general opinion on how the legislation should operate
- to evaluate alternatives and advise on options resulting in the least liability for tax or duty
- to engage in an iterative process if you previously received an unfavourable decision and are requesting another ruling for a similar, although modified, situation
- to confirm that all evidentiary requirements are met in order to obtain an exemption or refund.
Prepare the written requirements
Your request must be in a written submission, and:
- explain why a private ruling is required
- identify all parties involved by name and address
- outline all material facts in relation to the transaction or arrangement for which the ruling is sought
- describe the legislation and the issue in question
- state your interpretation of the provisions at issue and the rationale for your views, including arguments for and against, and any relevant case law
- permit the Commissioner of State Revenue to access information or contact third parties as required.
Read more information on private rulings.
Gather supporting documents
You need to provide copies of any relevant documents to support your request and, if relevant, a diagrammatic representation of the relevant transaction or corporate structure.
Prepare a signed statement
Where your request for a private ruling concerns a proposed course of action, your application must be accompanied by a statement signed by you and any other joint applicants containing:
- an estimated completion date for the proposed course of action
- a declaration by you and any other relevant parties to the effect that there is a genuine intention to proceed with the proposed course of action depending on the ruling given, and that full disclosure of all relevant facts has been made.
Lodge your submission
Please ensure your submission is clearly marked 'Request for private ruling' and is accompanied by all relevant supporting documents.
Where you send your private ruling depends on the issue it relates to.
If your request is for a private ruling on the application of the Duties Act 2000 landholder or lease provisions, you can send it by email to or by mail to:
Landholder Acquisitions Branch
State Revenue Office
GPO Box 1641
Melbourne VIC 3001All other requests for private rulings should be sent the Technical Advice and Review Branch, either by email to or by mail to:
Technical Advice and Review Branch
State Revenue Office
GPO Box 1641
Melbourne VIC 3001
Next Steps
What will the Commissioner do?
We aim to issue private rulings within 90 days of receiving a submission. The time it takes to provide you with the ruling depends on the complexity of the transaction or arrangement it relates to, the nature of the legislation involved, and whether more information is needed to support your claim.
A private ruling applies only to the taxpayer to whom it is issued and to the factual situation presented. Other taxpayers cannot rely on private rulings as a precedent. Likewise, a tax practitioner cannot rely on a private ruling for one taxpayer as a precedent for another client.
If the facts or circumstances, as presented by you, change after the private ruling has been issued, you or your representative must contact us to clarify whether the private ruling still applies.
A qualified private ruling applies as long as the conditions stated in the ruling continue to apply. The onus rests with the taxpayer to monitor the continuing validity of the ruling.
News and updates
3 December 2024
State Taxation Further Amendment Act 2024
20 November 2024
State Revenue Office 2023–24 Annual Review is now available
16 October 2024
Revised revenue ruling LTA-006v2 published