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This video provides an overview of how to remove a land tax charge when buying or selling land.


The Commissioner of State Revenue can secure unpaid land tax by a charge on the title to the land in question.

If you are buying or selling land, you can apply for a property clearance certificate to determine if any tax is owing on the land. A title search will reveal if there is a statutory land tax charge on the land.

A land tax charge will only be removed from a title once the land tax on that property has been paid in full.

The vendor’s conveyancer or solicitor can apply to have the charge removed by going to the Contact Us portal on the SRO website, then selecting Land Tax as the category and then “I have a statutory charge on the title of my property which I need removed”.  In this form, they should attach a copy of the title and the property reference number.

The SRO will then make arrangements for an undertaking to be signed by the vendor’s solicitor. In this undertaking, the vendor commits to pay the outstanding amount within seven days of settlement and, once received, the land tax charge will be removed.

To lodge a request to remove a charge, go to

Last modified: 21 December 2023
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