Accessibility information for this website.
We are committed to providing accessible information and access to our online services. Our website aims to meet level AA of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1.
Please contact us if:
- there is information on this website that you can’t access
- you have a suggestion for improvement.
Please call 13 21 61 or contact us through the National Relay Service or an interpreter.
What you can expect
This website has been designed for use regardless of technology or ability. You should be able to:
- navigate the website using a keyboard
- navigate the website using common screen readers
- change how content is presented
- access alternative formats for multimedia content
- read and understand the content
- complete forms.
Our website has been tested with the following assistive technologies:
- JAWS 2020 with Chrome on Windows 10
- VoiceOver with Safari on iOS 15.
Intopia, an independent digital agency, reviewed this website in September 2022. Please see the statement of conformance for the results of the accessibility audit.