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An absentee owner surcharge applies to Victorian land owned by an absentee individual, corporation or trust.


Have you recently contracted your payroll processing function to another company who pays your employee wages, benefits, PAYG, superannuation and payroll tax on your behalf?


The State Taxation Acts Further Amendment Act 2017 has now received Royal Assent. 

We have created a range of resources for tax representatives and other businesses to use in raising awareness of vacant residential land tax with their members and customers. The resources include a newsletter article, social media posts and supporting images.

Homes located in inner and middle suburban Melbourne left unoccupied for more than six months in 2017, may attract vacant residential land tax.


The funding cap for the Back to Work Scheme, which supports employers hiring and training unemployed people living in the Latrobe Valley and retrenched workers from the Hazelwood Power Station, has increased from $2 million to $3 million.

SRO updates

Our Customer Charter has been revised to provide increased emphasis on our role in making it easier for our customers to understand and comply with their obligations in ways and at times that suit them.


Our updated App is now available for download from Google Play and the App Store.

SRO Mobile currently features a land transfer duty calculator. Other calculators will be added in the future.


new online tool will help people navigate First Home Owner Grant eligibility require

SRO updates

We are pleased to announce the publication of the State Revenue Office 2016-17 Annual Review.

This overview of our administration for the year highlights the services and efficiencies we delivered to our customers.

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