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Published on 16 February 2015

Owners of Victorian property will receive their 2015 land tax assessments by the end of March.

The assessments (and an information brochure) will be issued to owners whose total value of their taxable land  exceeded the threshold of $249,999 (or $24,999 for trusts) as at 31 December 2014.

It is important to remember that land tax will not be charged for your principal place of residence (your home) or most primary production land.

We have produced a number of videos and webinars to help you understand land tax.

Our video library includes topics such as the basics of land tax assessments, calculations, valuations, what to do with multiple assessments, and exemptions for extended absences from your home.

Our land tax webinar calendar runs until 27 March and topics include understanding your land tax, joint ownerships and exemptions, trusts and valuations.

You can attend a webinar from the comfort of your office, and interact directly with our presenter by typing questions and comments. Bookings are essential.

If you have any questions about these webinars, please email us at or give us a call on (03) 9628 0555.

Last modified: 22 May 2024
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