Information for industry
A $1.15 levy applies to every taxi and hire vehicle trip, including ride share, originating in Victoria. From 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2021, the levy was $1, and from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2023 the levy was $1.05.
Taxi and hire car businesses, including ride share, must register with us online and pay the levy each quarter.
How do I know if I have to register for the levy?
Our quick and easy online tool will help you.
Just go to sro.vic.gov.au/triplevyregistration using your smartphone, tablet or desktop computer.
When do I have to register for the levy?
You must register with us by the end of the quarter in which you completed your first commercial passenger vehicle service transaction after the levy started on 1 July 2018.
For example, if you were providing commercial passenger vehicle services on 1 July 2023, you needed to register with us by 30 September 2023.
The registration process takes about 5 minutes. Register at sro.vic.gov.au/triplevyregistration.
To register you will need to enter:
- your ABN
- your State Revenue Office customer number — only if you are an existing customer
- the date you completed your first commercial passenger vehicle service transaction after the levy started on 1 July 2018
- your driver accreditation number (for drivers) or booking service provider registration number (for booking service providers)
- driver licence number (for sole traders only).
If you are required to register and don’t, it is an offence.
What service category do I select?
Only select the category, or categories, of services that you provide:
- Rank and hail work — this is where you pick up customers from ranks or when hailed on the street, also known as unbooked work.
- A booking service — this is where you take booking requests and arrange for a driver to pick up a passenger.
- A service lodging returns and paying the levy on behalf of others for their rank and hail work — this is where you have a formal affiliation agreement to pay the levy for a trip provider.
Do not select a category if you do not provide that type of service.
I have registered, now what do I need to do?
You need to record the number of trips you make in each quarter to which the levy applies.
Remember, the levy applies to every taxi and hire trip, including ride share, originating in Victoria from 1 July 2018.
When do I lodge and pay?
You must lodge a return, detailing the number of trips attracting the levy for that quarter, and pay the levy within 30 days of the end of each quarter.
This means returns and levy payments are due within 30 days of each of the following dates:
- 30 September
- 31 December
- 31 March
- 30 June.
If your business offers services in more than one category, you must complete a separate quarterly return for each category.
You then must lodge a return for each category you provide and pay the levy each quarter.
How do I lodge a return and pay the levy?
You lodge a return and pay the levy via our online portal at sro.vic.gov.au/triplevyreturn.
Log in to the online portal with the customer number we gave you when you registered, and the password you created at registration.
Once in the portal, select ‘lodge return’, enter the required information and select ‘submit’.
You will then be directed to a payment page to pay the total levy amount due by credit card or direct debit. Once you have paid, confirmation is provided on screen and in an email.
What happens if I don’t pay the levy?
If you don’t lodge a quarterly return and pay the levy, we may issue a default assessment, which could attract interest and penalties. Failure to meet your levy obligations may also result in you losing your driver accreditation.
Where can I get more information?
Visit sro.vic.gov.au/triplevy for more information, including answers to other frequently asked questions.
For information in languages other than English, call 13 14 50.
When you are speaking to your interpreter, ask them to contact the State Revenue Office on 13 21 61 about the commercial passenger vehicle service levy.
Commercial passenger vehicle service levy
Taxi and hire car services must pay a levy of $1.15 per trip.
For information in languages other than English, call 13 14 50. When you are speaking to your interpreter, ask them to contact the State Revenue Office on 13 21 61 about the commercial passenger vehicle service levy.
Ticari yolcu aracı servis vergisi
Taksi ve kiralık araba servisleri her yolculuk için 1,15 dolar vergi ödemelidir
İngilizce’den başka dillerde bilgi için 13 14 50 numaralı telefonu arayın. Tercümanınızla konuşurken, ticari yolcu aracı servis vergisi hakkında 13 21 61 numaralı telefondan Eyalet Gelir Dairesi ile ilişkiye geçmelerini isteyin.
የንግድ ተሳፋሪ ማመላለሻ ተሽከርካሪዎች የአገልግሎት ቀረጥ
በእያንዳንዱ ጉዞ ላይ ታክሲ እና የኪራይ መኪና አገልግሎቶች የ$1.15 ቀረጥ መክፈል አለባቸው።
ከእንግሊዝኛ ውጭ ባሉ ቋንቋዎች መረጃ ለማግኘት ወደ 13 14 50 ላይ ይደውሉ ፡፡ ከአስተርጓሚዎ ጋር በሚነጋገሩበት ጊዜ የንግድ ተሳፋሪ ማመላለሻ ተሽከርካሪ አገልግሎት ቀረጥን በተመለከተ የክልሉን ገቢዎች ቢሮ ( የስቴት ሪቬኑዮ ኦፊስን) በስልክ ቁጥር 13 21 61 ደውለው እንዲያነጋግሩዎት ይጠይቋቸው ፡፡
Εισφορά υπηρεσιών επαγγελματικών επιβατικών οχημάτων
Τα ταξί και οι υπηρεσίες μίσθωσης αυτοκινήτων πρέπει να πληρώνουν μια εισφορά $1,15 ανά διαδρομή.
Για πληροφορίες σε γλώσσες εκτός της αγγλικής, καλέστε το 13 14 50. Όταν μιλήσετε με το διερμηνέα, ζητήστε του να σας συνδέσει με το Πολιτειακό Γραφείο Εισπράξεως Εσόδων [State Revenue Office] στο 13 21 61 σχετικά με την εισφορά υπηρεσιών επαγγελματικών επιβατικών οχημάτων.
व्यवसायिक यात्री वाहन सेवा लेवी (Commercial passenger vehicle service levy)
टैक्सी और किराये की कार सेवाओं पर प्रति ट्रिप $1.15 की लेवी का भुगतान करना होगा।
अंग्रेजी के अतिरिक्त अन्य भाषाओं में जानकारी के लिए 13 14 50 पर कॉल करें। जब आप अपने दुभाषिया से बात कर रहें हो तो उन्हें व्यवसायिक यात्री वाहन सेवा लेवी के बारे में 13 21 61 पर स्टेट रेविनियू ऑफिस से संपर्क करने के लिए कहें।
Qaraxa (levy) tajaajila konkolaataa namoota fe’anii
Tajaajilli Taxi fi konkolaataa kireeffamanii deemsa takkatti (per trip) qaraxa $1.15 kafaluu qaban.
Odeeffannoo afaan English hin tahiniin argachuuf, 13 14 50 bilbili. Yeroo kan afaan siif deebisu yokan hiikutti dubbattu waa’ee qaraxa tajaajila konkolaataa namoota fe’aniitiif akka Waajjira Galii Godinaa (State Revenue Office) 13 21 61 irratti si qunnamsiisan gaafadhu.
Canshuurta adeegga gaadiidka rakaabka ee ganacsiga ah
Baabuurta tagsiyada iyo kuwa kirada ah waa inay bixiyaan canshuur $1.15 safarkii kasta.
Wixii macluumaad ah oo ku qoran Luqadaha aan Ingiriisiga ahayn, ka wac 13 14 50. Markii aad la hadlayso turjumaankaaga, weydii inay la xiriiraan Xafiiska Dakhliga ee Dowlad-goboleedka (State Revenue Office) taleefanka 13 21 61 wixii ku saabsan Canshuurta adeegga gaadiidka rakaabka ee ganacsiga ah..
کمرشل مسافری گاڑیوں پر سروس محصول
ٹیکسیوں اور ہائر کار سروسز کو $1.15 / ایک ڈالر پانچ سنٹوں فی چکر محصول ادا کرنا ہوگا۔
انگریزی کے علاوہ دیگر زبانوں میں معلومات کے لئے 13 14 50 پر کال کریں۔ جب آپ اپنے زبانی مترجم سے بات کریں تو ان سے کہیں کہ وہ کمرشل مسافری گاڑیوں پر سروس محصول کے سلسلے میں اسٹیٹ ریونیو آفس سے 13 21 61 پر رابطہ کریں۔
د مسافرینو سوداګریز وسایطو د خدمت مالیه
ټیکسي او د اجارې موټرو خدمات باید د في سفر له مخې یو ډالر او پنځه سنټه/ $1.15 تعرفه ورکړي.
د انګلسي پرته نورو ژبو کې معلوماتو لپاره، 13 14 50 ته تلیفون وکړئ. کله چې تاسې خپل ژباړونکي سره غږیږئ، نو د هغه څخه غوښتنه وکړئ چې په 13 21 61 شمیرې د دولت د عوایدو دفتر سره د مسافرینو سوداګریز وسایطو د خدمت تعرفې په اړه اړیکه ونیسي.
ضريبة خدمة سيارات الركاب التجارية
يجب على خدمات سيارات التاكسي والإستئجار أن تدفع ضريبة قدرها 1.15 دولار للرحلة الواحدة.
للحصول على المعلومات بلغات أخرى غير اللغة الإنجليزية، اتصل على الرقم 13 14 50. وعندما تتحدث إلى المترجم، اطلب منه الاتصال بمكتب إيرادت الولاية (State Revenue Office) على الرقم 13 21 61 حول ضريبة خدمة سيارات الركاب التجارية.