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In this video, first published in June 2023, Commissioner of State Revenue, Paul Broderick, talks about the benefits of working at the SRO.


My name's Paul Broderick and I'm the Commissioner and CEO of the State Revenue Office of Victoria and I absolutely love my job. I feel so lucky to be working for such a great organisation.

I want to attract good people to come and work for the State Revenue Office. The culture here is very friendly and respectful. It's a great organisation to work for. I mean people stay here for over 10 years on average. I've been Commissioner here for 21 years, I never thought that I would stay here that long. The Treasurer provided Dedicated Service Awards to people that have been here for 30 and 40 years and that's reasonably common in our organisation so I'm really proud of that.

We've got an office in Melbourne and we've got an office in Ballarat which is beautiful. It's only just been opened a couple of years ago so it's brand new. We have a really strong focus on induction so people get to learn what the organisation does straightaway. We have a strong focus on career development. I want people to feel like they have a meaningful job and that they can contribute to what we're doing. Most people have really good ideas especially new people because they're coming from organisations and they can bring those ideas in to make our organisation better.

If you're looking for a great job come to our website and have a look. We've got lots of jobs available at the moment. This is a great place to work. You won't be disappointed.

Last modified: 20 January 2025
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