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From 1 January 2018, homes left unoccupied for more than six months of the previous calendar year, which are located in 16 specified council areas, will attract the Victorian Government’s vacant residential land tax.

Changes to VRLT 

From 1 January 2025, VRLT’s scope is changing. You can read about the changes announced in December 2023 or read our answers to frequently asked questions


To increase the availability of housing, the vacant residential land tax applies to empty homes in many of Melbourne’s middle and inner suburbs.

This tax affects you if you own a home that is located within 16 specific council areas, that has remained unoccupied for more than six months of the calendar year.

The tax is charged annually, and is calculated at 1% of the property’s capital improved value.

That’s the value of the property, including land, buildings and other improvements. It’s displayed on your council rate notice.

If you own a home that was unoccupied for more than six months of the calendar year, you need to notify the State Revenue Office before 15 January via its website.

Some vacant homes will be eligible for an exemption. But even if your property is exempt, you must still notify the State Revenue Office.

Visit the website for more information, including a full list of affected council areas, details about exemptions, and a tool to help determine if this tax applies to you.

Last modified: 27 June 2024
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