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This video showcases State Revenue Office staff talking about the values and culture of the organisation.


So the SRO stands for State Revenue Office and we are Victoria's primary revenue collection agency. We administer a variety of state-based taxes on behalf of the Victorian government to fund vital services, hospitals, roads, schools. All of that money goes back into the Victorian state where we try to make Victoria the most desirable and safest place to live.

No matter what your background or your experience, chances are that there will be a role here. From solicitors to accountants to Learning and Development roles, customer service roles, administrative roles. IT to investigations to lawyers to procurement. The range of roles across the organisation is pretty much endless. There are many, many opportunities in the tech space. If you have an interest in engineering, UX design, product space, SRO is definitely the place.

The leadership style is the opposite of micromanagement. It's about enabling staff to achieve the goals that they need to achieve and that in turn assists the organisation to achieve its goals. I strive to create a really good environment for my team members so they're able to excel in whatever they do and be the best versions of themselves. There have been times when I haven't felt confident to apply for a role and every single time that I didn't think that I could do it my managers encouraged me to apply and I got the role every time and I wouldn't have done it if it weren't for them.

We have so many different chances for people to progress in the sort of role that they're already in or move sideways and do something different. Everyone receives really thorough training in whatever role that they're doing but we've also got constant different Learning and Development opportunities. The SRO really looks for people who show interest in leadership and does a lot to foster their interest and foster capabilities. I've had some great managers. I've learned from them. I've tried to model myself on the best attributes that I've observed: being empathetic but also sort of living the values. One of the SRO values that strikes me the most is integrity because working for a government agency and we really need to make sure that we've got public trust. I think it is really important to have impartial public servants who act in the best interests of the Victorian public.

Every matter that comes into Legal Services is looked at afresh, on its own merits. We act fairly and objectively. Everyone that works here has respect for each other and respect for the work that we do. We try to build high performing teams and part of that is to have diversity in our organisation. Coming into the office you see everybody from all walks of life, all different lifestyles and cultures. We have a gender equality committee, we have a disability action plan, we have an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander recruitment plan and many other programs and schemes that are just built into our business practices to support people.

Staff wellbeing has been a real focus of the organisation. We have access to a number of resources including publications, Health Breaks, access to confidential counselling. We've got a social responsibility program and the committee runs that and a range of different charities throughout the year are selected and staff can participate in that.

We also offer volunteer leave and also blood donation leave so that supports employees to support their community in an active way. The SRO offers hybrid working arrangements, which means the technology at the SRO is absolutely great because it allows us to perform the same work at home as we do in the office. On a daily basis I'm talking to people from Melbourne, from Ballarat and also people that are working from home. We're using modern technologies, modern platforms and we have quite a progressive way of working as well. We have secure employment, we have competitive salaries and we have that regional lifestyle with a shorter commute that so many people prefer these days. We value long careers here and we've found that a lot of people will come and work and come and stay because they really enjoy it so much.

If you're interested in working at the SRO, head to our website to look for opportunities in Ballarat and Melbourne. 

Last modified: 20 January 2025
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