The lodgement category provides a broad indication of the type of transaction being processed.
To ascertain the evidentiary requirements for each transaction, select the respective link.
Trust exemptions and concessions
Section 36 – Trustee of fixed trust to beneficiary
Transfer of property held in a fixed trust to the beneficiary(s) of that trust, who were beneficiaries of the trust at the relevant time, being the time that the property was first subject to the trust.
Section | Evidentiary requirement |
s36 (1)(c)(i) | Property passing to beneficiaries of fixed trusts |
s36 (1)(c)(ii)(A) | Property passing to beneficiaries of fixed trusts |
s36 (1)(c)(ii)(B) | Property passing to beneficiaries of fixed trusts |
Section 36A – Trustee of discretionary trust to beneficiary
Transfer of property held in a discretionary trust to the beneficiary(s) of that trust who were beneficiaries of the trust at the relevant time, being the time that the property was first subject to the trust.
Section | Evidentiary requirement |
s36A (1)(c)(i) | Property passing to beneficiary (not acting as trustee of trust) of discretionary trust |
s36A (1)(c)(ii) & (3) para (a) | Property passing to beneficiary (acting as trustee of another trust with natural person beneficaries) of discretionary trusts |
s36A (1)(d) | Property passing to beneficiaries of discretionary trusts |
s36A (1)(ii) & (3) para (b) | Property passing to a beneficiary of a discretionary trust (where the beneficiary is the trustee of another trust whose beneficiaries include a corporation as trustee of another trust) |
Section 36B – Trustee of unit trust to unitholder
Transfer of property held in a unit trust to the unitholder of that trust irrespective of whether the beneficiary is a natural person or a corporate unitholder.
Section | Evidentiary requirement |
s36B (2)(a)(i) | Property passing to natural person unitholder absolutely |
s36B (2)(a)(ii) | Property passing to unitholders in unit trust schemes |
s36B (2)(b) | Property passing to unitholders in unit trust schemes |
s36B (2)(c) | Property passing to a unitholder as the trustee of a discretionary trust |
s36B (1) & (2)(a)(i) | Property passing to a natural person unitholder absolutely |
s36B (2)(d) | Property passing to unitholders in unit trust schemes |
Section 38A – Transfer to a special disability trust
A declaration of trust that establishes a special disability trust for no consideration. Where the dutiable value of the property subject of the declaration exceeds $1,500,000 for a property the principal beneficiary intends to use as their principal place of residence or $500,000 for any other property, duty is chargeable only in respect of the dutiable value of the property that exceeds these amounts. If the dutiable property is not gifted by an immediate family member, this exemption does not apply.
Section | Evidentiary requirement |
s38A | Transfer of property to a special disability trust |
Section 40 – Transfer between super funds
Transfer of property between complying superannuation funds for no consideration. The transfer occurs in connection with a person ceasing to be a member of, or otherwise ceasing to be entitled to benefits in respect of, the fund from which the property is transferred and the person becoming a member of, or otherwise becoming entitled to benefits in respect of, the fund to which the property is transferred.
Section | Evidentiary requirement |
s40 (1) | Transfer of property from one superannuation fund to another |
Section 41 – Transfers to trustees or custodians of superannuation funds or trusts
A transfer of dutiable property made without monetary consideration to a trustee or custodian of a complying superannuation fund, a complying approved deposit fund, a pooled superannuation trust or an eligible rollover fund where there is no change in the beneficial ownership of the property.
Section | Evidentiary requirement |
s41 | Transfers to trustees or custodians of superannuation funds or trusts |
Section 41A – Trustee of superannuation fund to a member(s)
A transfer of property from a superannuation fund to a beneficiary of the fund where the value of the property does not exceed the beneficiary's entitlement in the fund. The exemption only applies to the extent of a beneficiary's entitlement to the property of the trust fund.
Section | Evidentiary requirement |
s41A | Property passing to beneficiaries of superannuation funds |
Section 34 – Apparent purchaser to real purchaser
A transfer from the apparent purchaser to the real purchaser where the real purchaser has provided the purchase money for the dutiable property.
Section | Evidentiary requirement |
s34 (1)(a) | Declarations of trust for land vested in an apparent purchaser |
s34 (1)(b) | Property vested in an apparent purchaser |
Section 33 – Change of trustee
Transfer as a consequence of a current trustee retiring or the appointment of a new trustee.
Section | Evidentiary requirement |
s33 | Change of trustee |
Section 35 – Transfers to and from a trustee or nominee
Transfer to a trustee or nominee of a bare trust and re-transfer back to the transferor without change of beneficial ownership.
A declaration of trust by a trustee or nominee where the property is held on trust solely for the transferor, without any change in beneficial ownership.
It is also a transfer made by way of re-transfer back to the transferor without any change in beneficial ownership if no person other than the transferor has had a beneficial interest in the property between the transfer to the trustee or nominee and the re-transfer.
Section | Evidentiary requirement |
s35 (1)(a) | Transfer by the transferor to a trustee without any change to beneficial ownership – bare trust |
s35 (1)(b) | Declaration of trust by a trustee holding property solely for the transferor without any change in beneficial ownership |
s35 (1)(c) | Transfer made by re-transfer – bare trust transfers |
Primary production
Section 69 – Young farmer exemption
Transactions involving the first time purchase of farmland property by a young farmer or a young farmer business entity. The young farmer must be under the age of 35 and the land purchased must be used or intended to be used primarily for the business of primary production. A young farmer may have previously owned residential property but cannot have previously owned farmland in order to receive the exemption. From 1 July 2018, a full duty exemption will apply on purchases up to $600,000, with a duty concession applying for property purchased between $600,001 and $750,000.
Section | Evidentiary requirement |
s69AD | Exemption or concession for young farmers |
Section 56 – Family farm transfer other than to a natural person
Transfer of a family farm to a natural person, company, trust or association. The transferor must be a natural person, a trustee for a natural person, or a company in which all the shares are owned by related natural persons. The transferee must be a relative, a trustee of certain types of trust, or a shareholder of the transferring company.
Section | Evidentiary requirement |
s56 | Transfers of farms to relatives or charities |
s56 | Transfers of farm to relative(s) – exemption |
Sections 10 (1)(a) & (d)(iv) & (v) – Primary production, water entitlement, goods and livestock
Transfer of primary production property that is subject to or involves primary production goods and livestock and/or water entitlements. Duty is payable on the contract price less the value of the goods and livestock and water entitlements.
Section 24 (2A) – Non-aggregation of primary production land
Transfers in respect of an estate in land referred to in sections 65, 66 or 67 of the Land Tax Act 2005 are not to be aggregated if the land continues to be used for primary production.
Section 24 – Aggregation of land that is not primary production
Section 24(1) of the Act provides that dutiable transactions relating to separate items or separate parts of dutiable property are to be aggregated and treated as a single dutiable transaction if:
- dutiable transactions occurred within 12 months or contracts of sale are entered into within 12 months
- they together form, evidence, give effect to or arise from what is substantially one arrangement relating to all the items or parts of the dutiable property
- there are separate transfers arising out of a single contract as a single arrangement.
Section 24(2) of the Act provides a specific exception from aggregation for vacant land purchased by licensed home builders in certain circumstances. Pursuant to section 24(2) of the Act, dutiable transactions are not aggregated if:
- the dutiable property that is the subject of the dutiable transactions is vacant land
- the transferee is registered as a domestic builder under the Building Act 1993 and is a builder within the meaning of the Domestic Building Contracts Act 1995
- the transferee intends to construct residential premises on the vacant land for the purpose of selling that land to the public.
More information in Revenue Ruling DA-026v2 – Aggregation of dutiable transactions and the exception form aggregation for domestic builders where residential premises are to be constructed.
Section | Evidentiary requirement |
s24 | Aggregation of dutiable property |
Section 32A – 32X – Sub-sales
For transfers to a person other than the purchaser named in the contract of sale or agreement or to a person other than the person the vendor granted an option to, including any nominations, assignments or transfer rights.
This also applies to parallel land and building arrangements. These are arrangements where the original purchaser, who is a registered builder under a contract of sale for land, nominates its interest in the land to a home buyer and within 12 months of nomination enters into a building contract with the home buyer to build a home on that land. As a result, sub-sales provisions apply to impose duty on the arrangement as 2 separate transactions.
Section | Evidentiary requirement |
s32A – 32X | Sub-sales |
332A – 32X | Sub-sales where there is no additional consideration (including parallel land and building arrangements, no land development or no option) |
s32W | Sub-sale – nomination between relatives |
Sale of business/goods
Section 10 (1)(a) & (d) s22B, s24 – Transfers of land and business
For transfers of land on which a business is conducted and where both the freehold and the business have been sold within 12 months.
Duty is assessed on the aggregated value of the land and value of business goods.
Section 24 of the Act applies to aggregate the value of land and value of the business goods where the land and a business conducted on the land are sold by one vendor (or associated vendors) to one purchaser (or associated purchasers (s22B)).
Section | Evidentiary requirement |
s10 (1)(a) & (d) | Transfers of land and business and licensed premises |
Related or associated party transfers with concessions including foreign purchasers
Sections 57J-60 – Related party concession duty in relation to principal place of residence (PPR) and/or first home buyer duty reduction or pensioner concession
The PPR concession applies to transfers resulting from contracts of sale entered into on or after 1 January 2007 and the land purchased is intended to be occupied as a principal place of residence by at least one transferee. A rate reduction of 1% will apply for property with a value between $130,000 and $440,000. For properties with a value greater than $440,000 and less than $550,000, a duty reduction of $3,100 will apply.
Section | Evidentiary requirement |
s57J or JA | Principal place of residence (PPR) – concession/reduction of duty |
First home buyer duty exemption, concession or reduction
When you buy your first home and the contract date is on or after 1 July 2017, you may be eligible for a duty exemption or concession. If your contract is dated before 1 July 2017, you may be eligible for a 50% duty reduction.
Both the duty exemption and the 50% duty reduction are available to first home buyers when they purchase a new or established property in Victoria with a dutiable value up to $600,000. The duty concession applies where the dutiable value is more than $600,000 but not more than $750,000. Vacant land can also attract the exemption or concession if you are buying it to build your home.
Pensioner concession
A pensioner buying a home may be eligible for an exemption or concession from duty if they hold one of the relevant concession cards at the date of the transfer, purchase the property for market value, and intend to reside in the home as their principal place of residence.
Eligible pensioners, who have purchased a block of land and have constructed a dwelling on it within 3 years after the transfer date, may also be eligible for a refund.
For contracts signed before 1 July 2023, a full pensioner exemption applies if the value of house and land does not exceed $330,000. Partial exemption applies if the value of house and land is more than $330,000 but does not exceed $750,000. No exemption or concession applies if the value is greater than $750,000.
For contracts signed on or after 1 July 2023, you may receive an exemption from duty when you buy a home valued at $600,000 or less or a concession from duty when you buy a home valued from $600,001 to $750,000.
Section | Evidentiary requirement |
s58-60 | Pensioner and concession cardholder duty reduction — contracts signed before 1 July 2023 |
s58-60 | Pensioner and concession cardholder duty reduction — contracts signed on or after 1 July 2023 |
Section 21 (3) – Related party – land and building concession
Transfer of off-the-plan sales for land and building packages and refurbishments between related parties for full interest with a contract of sale dated on or after 1 October 2008.
A concession applies to transfers involving land and building packages for the construction costs occurring on or after the date of the contract of sale. A concession also applies to transfers involving the refurbishment of a building, being the conversion of an existing building for which a building permit under the Building Act 1993 has been issued. The concession applies to the refurbishment of the lot that occurs on or after the date of the contract of sale.
Section | Evidentiary requirement |
s21 (3) & (4) & (4A) & (5) | Off-the-plan land and building packages and refurbishments – concession |
Section 18A – Foreign purchasers – duty in respect of change of use of land
Section 28A – Rate for additional duty chargeable for foreign purchasers – residential property
For contracts, transactions, agreements and arrangements entered into:
- on or after 1 July 2015 but before 1 July 2016 (even if the settlement date is on or after 1 July 2016), the additional duty rate is 3%
- on or after 1 July 2016, the additional duty rate is 7%
- on or after 1 July 2019, the additional duty rate is 8%.
Deceased estate
Section 42 (2), s42 (3) – Deceased estate
Vesting of a dutiable property pursuant to section 13 of the Administration and Probate Act 1958.
Transfer of property from a deceased estate that is not strictly in accordance with the terms of the will or the laws of intestacy.
Section | Evidentiary requirement |
s10 (1)(a) (ib) | Deceased estates |
s42 (1) & (3) | Deceased estates – exemption – will and intestacy |
s42 (1)(a)* | Deceased estates – pursuant to a will – exemption |
s42 (2) | Deceased estates – exemption |
s42 | Deceased estates – exemption – a transfer made to a beneficiary pursuant to a maintenance order by the Supreme or County Court |
Section 27 – Partition
Transfers of land relating to the partition of jointly owned land.
Where a dutiable transaction effects a partition or division of an interest in land, duty is payable on the value less any beneficial interest held by the transferee prior to the transaction.
Section | Evidentiary requirement |
s27 | Partitions |
Section 10 (1)(a) & (d) – NICO transfers
Transfer as a result of a not in common ownership (NICO) plan of subdivision.
Section | Evidentiary requirement |
s10 (1)(a) & (d) | NICO transfers |
Re-alignment of boundaries and discontinued roads
Section 10 (1)(a) & (d) – Re-alignment of boundaries
Transfer of property relating to the re-alignment of boundaries.
Note: Any land acquired by the transferee in relation to which they were not on title to prior to any subdivision of the properties is dutiable.
Section 10 (1)(a) & (d) – Discontinued roads
Transfer of land as a result of a discontinued road.
Section | Evidentiary requirement |
s10 (1)(a) & (d) | Transfer of discontinued road |
Fractional interest
Section 7, s261
Interest titles for fractional interests, complex fractional interest transfers, assignment, surrender, disclaimer, life and remainder interests not involving deceased estates.
Bankruptcy matters
Section 48(b)-(c) and 48(ca) – Bankruptcies and administrations
Transfers because of the vesting of any dutiable property to a liquidator by an order under section 474(2) of the Corporations Act (Commonwealth).
Transfers to the appointed receiver or trustee in bankruptcy or an appointed liquidator.
Transfers of dutiable property for no consideration to a former bankrupt from the estate of the former bankrupt.
Transfers for consideration of dutiable property previously held by a bankrupt from a trustee in bankruptcy to the spouse or domestic partner of the bankrupt if, after the transfer, the property is the principal place of residence of the bankrupt’s spouse or domestic partner.
Section | Evidentiary requirement |
s48 (a) | Bankruptcies and administration – exemption |
s48 (b) | Bankruptcies and administration – exemption |
s48 (c) | Bankruptcies and administration – exemption |
s48 (d) | Bankruptcies and administration – exemption |
s48 (d) | Bankruptcies and administration – exemption |
s48(ca) | Bankruptcies and administration – exemption |
Charities and health centres and services
Section 45 – Charities exemption
Transfers or declarations of trust for religious, charitable or educational purposes or to a corporation or body of persons established for religious, charitable or educational purpose.
The land transfer duty exemption for friendly societies was removed with effect from 4 December 2024.
Section 45A – Health centres and services exemption
Transfers of dutiable property to or declarations of trust over dutiable property to be held on trust for any of the following:
- an ambulance service
- a registered community health centre
- a denominational hospital
- a multi-purpose service
- a public health service
- a public hospital
- the Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health established by section 328 of the Mental Health Act 2014. See definitions under s45A(3) of the Duties Act 2000.
Section | Evidentiary requirement |
s45 (a) & (b) | Charities exemption |
s45A | Health centres and services exemption |
Section 47 – Government bodies
- Transfer to the crown in right of Victoria.
- Transfer to a council within the meaning of the Local Government Act 1989.
- Transfer to the Municipal Association of Victoria.
- Transfer to an authority within the meaning of the Water Act 1989.
- Transfer to any person on behalf of any of the above persons.
Section | Evidentiary requirement |
s47 (1) and s52 | Transfer to government bodies – exemption |
s47 (2) | Transfer to diplomats – exemption |
Section 52 – Government bodies
- s52 (a) – A transfer to the Minister administering the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978.
- s52 (b) – A transfer to the Minister administering the Planning and Environment Act 1987.
- s52 (c) – Homes Victoria (within the meaning of section 4(1) of the Housing Act 1983).
- s52 (d) – The Head, Transport for Victoria within the meaning of the Transport Integration Act 2010.
- s52 (e) – A transfer to a person on behalf of a public department of Victoria or the Commonwealth.
Section | Evidentiary requirement |
s52 (a) | Government bodies – exemption |
s52 (b) | Government bodies – exemption |
s52 (c) | Government bodies – exemption |
s52 (d) | Government bodies – exemption |
s52 (e) | Government bodies – exemption |
Section 53 – Defence service homes
Certain transfers by the Director of Defence Service Homes.
s53 Defence Service Homes – exemption
No double duty
Section 17 – No double duty, primary instruments and rectification of errors
- s17 (1) – If a dutiable transaction is effected by more than one instrument, one instrument is stamped with the duty payable on the dutiable transaction, and each subsequent instrument is denoted indicating the amount and the date of payment of the duty on the primary instrument.
- s17 (2) – No duty is chargeable on a transfer to a trustee of dutiable property subject to a declaration of trust if ad valorem duty has been paid on the declaration of trust in respect of the same dutiable property.
- s17 (3) – No duty is chargeable on a declaration of trust that declares the same trusts as those upon and subject to which the same dutiable property was transferred to the person declaring the trust if ad valorem duty has been paid on the transfer.
Section | Evidentiary requirement |
s17 (1) | No double duty |
Adjustment to dutiable value
Section 22 (2), (2A) (3) & (4) – Agreement that reduces the value of the property
In determining the amount for which land or goods might reasonably have been sold free from encumbrances, the Commissioner takes into account the effect of any interest, agreement or arrangement that reduces the value of the land and/or goods.
Section | Evidentiary requirement |
s22 (2), (2A) (3) & (4) | Agreement that reduces the value of the property |
s(10), s(20) – Transferee improvements
Where land, which is the subject of a conveyance or transfer of land, has been improved by the transferee, the cost of those improvements may be deducted from the market value of the land in certain circumstances for the purpose of assessing the duty payable.
More information in Revenue Ruling DA-010 – Transferee's improvements in transfer of land valuations
Conversion of land use entitlements
Section 50A – Conversion of land use entitlement, share transfer or lease
No duty is chargeable on a transfer of land resulting from the conversion of a land use entitlement to an estate in fee simple in a lot on a registered plan of subdivision.
The 50A exemption cannot apply if the land use entitlement was acquired when no ad valorem duty was chargeable on the transfer of marketable securities or land use entitlements, that is, 1 July 2002 to 16 June 2004.
Section | Evidentiary requirement |
s50A | Conversion of land use entitlement to different form of title |
Transfer of land use entitlement
Land use entitlements, which entitle the owner to exclusive use and occupation of a specific property, are regarded as dutiable property under s7(1)(a) of the Duties Act 2000 (the Act).
A land use entitlement includes an entitlement to occupy land in Victoria through the ownership of shares in a company or units in a unit trust scheme, or a combination of a shareholding or ownership of units together with a lease or licence. The acquisition of a land use entitlement is dutiable.
Spousal or breakdown of relationship transfer to parties other than the spouse
Includes transfers to another party(s) as a result of:
- Spouse – For natural love and affection
- Spouse – Breakdown of relationship
- Spouse – Breakdown of relationship – pursuant to a court order
- Spouse – Breakdown of relationship – pursuant to a binding financial agreement
Section 44(3), 44(1)(b)(ii) – Transfer of property as a result of a breakdown in marriage or domestic relationship to parties other than the parties to the marriage or domestic relationship
A transfer of dutiable property made solely because of a breakdown of a marriage or domestic relationship is exempt where:
The transferor is:
- a corporation to which the parties of the marriage or domestic relationship are directors
- a trustee of a trust of which no person is a beneficiary other than a party of both parties to the breakdown in marriage or domestic relationship or a dependent child of theirs.
The transferee is:
- a dependent child of a party or both parties to the marriage or domestic relationship, or
- a combination of the parties to the marriage or domestic relationship, and a dependent child of a party or both parties to the marriage or domestic relationship, or
- a trustee of a trust of which no person is a beneficiary other than a party of both parties to the marriage or domestic relationship, or their dependent child.
Section | Evidentiary requirement |
s44 (2) | Breakdown of marriage and domestic relationships – declaration of trust |
s44 (3) | Breakdown of marriage and domestic relationships – transfer |
s44 (4) | Breakdown of marriage and domestic relationships – declarations of trust |
s44 (1)(a), (b)(i) and (c)(i) | Breakdown of marriage and domestic relationships – exemption |
s44 (1)(a), (b)(i) or (ii), (c) and (d) | Breakdown of marriage and domestic relationships – transfer |
Unrelated transfers with concessions including foreign purchasers
The PPR concession applies to transfers resulting from contracts of sale entered into on or after 1 January 2007 and the land purchased is intended to be occupied as a principal place of residence by at least one transferee. A rate reduction of 1% applies for property with a value between $130,000 and $440,000. For properties with a value greater than $440,000 and less than $550,000, a duty reduction of $3,100 applies.
Section | Evidentiary requirement |
s57J or JA | Principal place of residence (PPR) – concession/reduction of duty |
First home buyer duty concession, exemption or reduction
When you buy your first home and the contract date is on or after 1 July 2017, you may be eligible for a duty exemption or concession. If your contract is dated before 1 July 2017, you may be eligible for a 50% duty reduction.
Both the duty exemption and the 50% duty reduction are available to first home buyers when they purchase a new or established property in Victoria with a dutiable value up to $600,000. The duty concession applies where the dutiable value is more than $600,000 but not more than $750,000. Vacant land can also attract the exemption or concession if you are buying it to build your home.
Pensioner concession
Pensioners buying a home may be eligible for a full or partial exemption of duty if they hold one of the relevant concession cards at the date of the transfer, purchase the property for market value and intend to reside in the home as their principal place of residence.
Eligible pensioners, who have purchased a block of land and constructed a dwelling on it within 3 years after the transfer date, may also be eligible for a refund.
For contracts signed before 1 July 2023, afull pensioner exemption applies if the value of the house and land does not exceed $330,000. Partial exemption applies if the value of house and land is more than $330,000 but does not exceed $750,000. No exemption or concession applies if the value is greater than $750,000.
For contracts signed on or after 1 July 2023, you may receive an exemption from duty when you buy a home valued at $600,000 or less or a concession from duty when you buy a home valued from $600,001 to $750,000.
Section | Evidentiary requirement |
s58-60 | Pensioner and concession cardholder duty reduction – contracts signed before 1 July 2023 |
s58-60 | Pensioner and concession cardholder duty reduction – contracts signed on or after 1 July 2023 |
Section 21(3) – Unrelated party – land and building concession
Transfer of off-the-plan sales for land and building packages and refurbishments between related parties for full interest with contract of sale dated on or after 1 October 2008. A concession applies to transfers involving land and building packages for the physical construction costs occurring on or after the date of the contract of sale. A concession also applies to transfers involving the refurbishment of a building being the conversion of an existing building for which a building permit under the Building Act 1993 has been issued. The concession applies to the refurbishment of the lot that occurs on or after the date of the contract of sale
Section | Evidentiary requirement |
s21(3) & (4) & (4A) & 5 | Off-the-plan – land and building packages and refurbishments – concession |
Section 18A Foreign purchasers – duty in respect of change of use of land
Section 28A Rate for additional duty chargeable for foreign purchasers – residential property
For contracts, transactions, agreements and arrangements entered into:
- on or after 1 July 2015 but before 1 July 2016 (even if the settlement date is on or after 1 July 2016), the additional duty rate is 3%
- on or after 1 July 2016, the additional duty rate is 7%
- on or after 1 July 2019, the additional duty rate is 8%.
Change in the manner of holding – more than 2 parties
Change in the manner of holding from tenants in common in equal shares to joint proprietors or vice versa where there are more than 2 parties on the title.
Section | Evidentiary requirement |
s54 | Joint tenants and tenants in common – exemption |
Lodgement category (declaration of trusts)
Complex declaration of trust over dutiable property
A declaration of trust in relation to any identified property.
Section | Evidentiary requirement |
s7 (4) | Declaration of trust over dutiable property |
Complex declaration of trust over non-dutiable property
A declaration of trust for unidentified property.
Section | Evidentiary requirement |
s38 (3) | Charitable trusts – exemption |
s38A | Special disability trusts |
s38 (2) | Declaration of trust pursuant to breakdown of relationship – exemption |
s35 (1)(b) | Declaration of trust by a trustee holding property solely for the transferor without any change in beneficial ownership |
s44 (2) | Breakdown of marriage and domestic relationships – declaration of trust |
s44 (4) | Breakdown of marriage and domestic relationships – declaration of trust |