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The metropolitan planning levy (MPL) is imposed for making a planning permit application. 

If you want to apply for a planning permit to develop land in metropolitan Melbourne on or after 1 July 2024, and your estimated development costs are more than the threshold of $1,271,000 you must submit an MPL certificate with your planning permit application.

Your planning permit application will not be processed by the responsible planning authority without this MPL certificate. The SRO encourages all MPL certificate applicants to engage with the relevant planning authority to ensure that their leviable permit application is ready to be lodged prior to applying for an MPL certificate. An MPL certificate expires 180 days after its issue date. A revised MPL certificate expires on the later of 90 days after its issue date or the date on which the original MPL certificate expires. An extension of time is not available for MPL certificates or revised MPL certificates.

The estimated cost of the development stated in the MPL certificate must be equal to or greater than the estimated cost of the development stated in your planning permit application.

Validity of MPL certificates

An MPL certificate expires 180 days after its issue date. See below for expiry date of revised certificates.

If your certificate expires before you apply for your planning permit, you need to submit a new MPL certificate application and pay the levy again.

Getting a certificate

You will need to complete and submit an online MPL certificate application and pay the levy to get a certificate.

The application form will tell you the levy you need to pay based on your estimated development cost. After you submit your completed application, you need to pay the levy by electronic funds transfer. 

We will issue a certificate if we are satisfied that the MPL has been paid in respect of the estimated cost of the development. The certificate will contain all the following information:

  1. The estimated cost of the development.
  2. The amount of the levy paid.
  3. A statement that the whole of the MPL has been paid in respect of the estimated cost of the development.
  4. The certificate's issue and expiry dates.
  5. The name and address of the person who paid the levy.
  6. Any other information the Commissioner considers appropriate.

Apply for an MPL certificate

Revised MPL certificates

You will need a revised certificate if the estimated cost of the development increases after you have received your original certificate but before you apply for the planning permit. 

The Commissioner cannot issue you with a revised certificate if you apply for it more than 180 days after the issue date of your original certificate.

A revised MPL certificate expires on the later of 90 days after its issue date or the date on which the original levy certificate expires.

We will issue a revised certificate if you meet all these conditions:

  • Your original certificate has not expired.
  • You have not lodged an application for a planning permit.
  • You have lodged an application for a revised certificate.
  • We are satisfied that you have paid the extra levy amount applicable to the increased estimated costs of the development.

We may also issue a revised MPL certificate:

  • to correct any error within the information, outlined in points 3-6 above (under the heading “getting a certificate” that is listed on the certificate)
  • if the estimated cost of the development stated in the certificate is different from that stated in your application, but there has been no change in the estimated cost of the development.

A revised certificate will contain the same type of information as an original certificate.

You can apply for a revised certificate by submitting another online application form, similar to the one you submitted for the original certificate.

After you have submitted your application, you will be able to pay any additional MPL by electronic funds transfer.

Apply for a revised MPL certificate


The Commissioner can only provide a refund of the levy if:

  • the request is made in writing no later than 30 days after the expiry of the levy certificate or revised certificate if there is one; and
  • the leviable planning permit application in respect of which the levy was paid has not been made; and;

The Commissioner is satisfied of one or more of the following grounds: 

  • There has been a mathematical error in calculating the amount of the levy in relation to the estimated cost of the development stated in the application for the MPL certificate.
  • The applicant for the leviable planning permit application died before the application was made, and no other person is proceeding with the application.
  • The relevant planning scheme was amended before the leviable planning permit application was made and because of the amendment, the authority must refuse to grant the permit application.

Refunds are not available in any other circumstances including where:

  • the estimated cost of the development decreases;
  • you do not lodge your planning permit application;
  • your application lapses, is refused or is withdrawn (other than in the above case); or
  • after you apply for your planning permit, the threshold amount increases.

We cannot refund any levy amounts in any other circumstances, including where:

  • the estimated cost of the development decreases
  • you do not lodge your planning permit application
  • your application lapses, is refused or is withdrawn
  • after you apply for your planning permit, the threshold amount increases
  • your planning permit application is granted but subsequently cancelled.

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Last modified: 16 January 2025


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