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The Victorian Government has announced a range of tax relief measures for people affected by the Victorian bushfires. They include:


If you have been impacted by the bushfires, we don't want you to worry about your state taxes: 


Revenue Ruling PTA-021, which deals with the payroll tax exclusion for contractors who ordinarily provide services to the public, has been redrafted following an inter-jurisdictional review and is now open for public comment.

Under the Payroll Tax Act 2007:


As of today, 1 January 2020, Victoria’s integrity regime has been strengthened via the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012, which was formerly known as the Protected Disclosure Act 2012.

SRO updates

Our customer service centre, which responds to calls to our 13 21 61 phone number, is closing over the Christmas-New Year period.

The centre will close at 5pm on Tuesday 24 December 2019 and reopen at 8.30am on Thursday 2 January 2020.


As a result of changes announced in the Victorian Government's 2019-20 Budget and made by the State Taxation Acts Amendment Act 2019, two of our existing motor vehicle duty revenue rulings relating to licensed motor car traders (LMCTs) have been reissued following a period of public


If you are new to payroll tax or would like a refresher on what is involved in getting it right, register for our free webinars in December.

We have three webinars scheduled covering different topics:


It is now quicker and easier to process transactions where duty is assessed online.


The State Taxation Acts Further Amendment Bill 2019 received Royal Assent today, introducing a number of changes to State Acts:

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