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We are here to help you meet your tax obligations and we aim to foster a positive and collaborative relationship with you.

If you are unsure whether you are liable for tax or if you are eligible for an exemption, concession or grant, we have a range of useful information on our website to assist you. 

We also regularly update our library of public rulings which set out how we interpret and apply the law. We also provide a subscription service to keep you updated with changes in our taxes, grants and levies, including administrative practices. 

If there is an ambiguity in the application of the law to your circumstances, you can apply for a private ruling in accordance with Revenue Ruling GEN 009v3 to assist you in understanding your obligations. 

In addition, we publish common compliance errors to help you identify and avoid mistakes. 

Common compliance errors 

Voluntary disclosures 

If you have made an error with your taxes, you can correct your error by lodging a voluntary disclosure. 

A voluntary disclosure will be treated more favourably in respect of penalties than a tax default identified by us through our data-matching programs. In certain cases, penalties may be remitted in full and only interest imposed in relation to the tax default.

Submit a voluntary disclosure

Last modified: 20 January 2025


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