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Motor vehicle duty rates from 1 July 2024

These rates apply on the registration or transfer of a motor vehicle (passenger and non-passenger) and on a change of use statement lodged for a vehicle by a licensed motor car trader

You can also use our motor vehicle duty calculator to work out the duty payable on registering or transferring ownership of a motor vehicle.

Type of vehicle/value Value Duty rate
Green passenger car All values $8.40 per $200 or part thereof
Primary producer passenger car All values $8.40 per $200 or part thereof
New non-passenger motor vehicles*

(i.e. not previously registered in Victoria or elsewhere)
All values $5.40 per $200 or part thereof
Non-passenger motor vehicles* previously registered in Victoria or elsewhere

(i.e. being re-registered to a new owner)
All values $8.40 per $200 or part thereof
Used non-passenger motor vehicle*

(i.e. the transfer of a used vehicle)
All values $8.40 per $200 or part thereof
Other passenger car $0-$80,567 $8.40 per $200 or part thereof
$80,567.01-$100,000 $10.40 per $200 or part thereof
$100,000.01-$150,000 $14.00 per $200 or part thereof
More than $150,000 $18.00 per $200 or part thereof

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✝ A green passenger car is a model that has combined tailpipe carbon dioxide emissions of 120 grams or less per kilometre, including a pure electric vehicle producing zero tailpipe CO2 emissions.

☨ A primary producer passenger car is a car that is registered, or is to be registered, in the name of a person who is a primary producer and used, or to be used, primarily in the person’s primary producer business. A primary producer is a person who is:

  • engaged solely or substantially in agricultural, horticultural, viticultural, dairying, pastoral or other like activities
  • the holder of a licence under the Fisheries Act 1995 to take fish for sale.

* Non-passenger car motor vehicles include:

  • motorcycles
  • motor vehicles made to carry more than eight adults including the driver
  • motor vehicles primarily designed for carrying goods, including utilities and dual cab utilities.

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Last modified: 1 July 2024
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